Litchfield Park & Recreation
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Litchfield Resident Beach Parking Passes
Permit required for use of Litchfield Town Beach:

Address of Town Beach:
244 North Shore Road, Litchfield, CT

Resident parking/use passes shall be required FOR ALL
 Town of Litchfield Residents:

-Residents of the Town of Litchfield shall be as designated as a taxpayer of either real estate or of motor vehicle(s) to the Town of Litchfield.
-To obtain a parking/use pass to the Litchfield Town Beach the following shall be necessary:The applicant shall create a household account on the Park and Recreation online registration site and purchase a membership for the Town Beach pass.

Residents shall present a paid tax bill/receipt at the Town of Litchfield Park & Recreation Office with the vehicle registration plate number if registering with a motor vehicle or current property tax bill/receipt when picking up the pass.
-One parking pass shall be given per “household”, defined as a single physical street address. In the case of apartment and condominium units, each unit shall constitute a “household”. The permit number on pass shall correspond with their membership number.To obtain a copy of your receipt for taxes: please go to 

-Under shortcuts on the homepage, click Pay Your Taxes and follow directions to search for your tax bill
-Download and print off or email to to be able to pick up your beach pass

There shall be a $15 yearly fee per household; qualifying individuals aged 65 years and over and Litchfield, Bantam, Northfield and LVA First Responders shall receive a free pass (with correct identification).
-The parking/use pass shall be affixed to or placed in the windshield of permittee’s vehicle in such a manner so as to be readily visible while parked at Town Beach.
-Parking/use pass is valid for one year, from July 1st to June 30th following year. This pass is also good during Ice Fishing season for Litchfield Residents. Non-resident but current tax payer may obtain parking/use pass under the above conditions.

Non-Resident Passes:

-A limited number of daily passes shall be available for purchase of -$30/vehicle/day for non-residents during spring/summer/fall seasons.
-The applicable invoice shall be shown on the vehicle's dashboard in a manner readily visible from outside the vehicle as proof of daily pass purchase. 
-The parking/use pass shall be visibly displayed in registered vehicles at all times while using the facility.
-Daily passes are only good for date purchased.

Ice Fishing Season for Non-Residents: (October to March)
For purposes of Ice Fishing only:
-Parking shall be in the designated areas only.
-Residents of the Town of Litchfield, as designated above, may use the parking/use pass previously obtained for summer use.
-Non-Residents shall use the Town Beach for icing fishing purposes only.   A non-resident parking/use pass shall be obtained from the Park & Rec online registration site for a fee of $30 for the current ice fishing season.  The applicant must present a valid vehicle registration with the vehicle identification number when picking up parking/use pass. 

Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
   Log In
64y and under N/A SuMTuWThFSa  07/01/2024 - 06/30/2025
05:00 AM - 09:00 PM

Litchfield Town Beach
$15.00 Res
   Log In
FY2024/2025 NON-RESIDENT DAY PASS or Ice Fishing Season 
99y and under N/A SuMTuWThFSa  07/01/2024 - 06/30/2025
05:00 AM - 09:00 PM

Litchfield Town Beach
$30.00 Non-Res
   Log In
65y - 99y N/A SuMTuWThFSa  07/01/2024 - 06/30/2025
05:00 AM - 09:00 PM

Litchfield Town Beach
$0.00 Res
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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